Limits of functions
The limit of a function is the value that the fuction approaches as the input approaches some value. Let's consider a function and let , the function will have a specific value at , , but we will be interested in the values that takes close to . In the next animation, which do you think the limit of the function is as tends to ?.
That definition of limit was a bit vague. Let's see the real mathematical definition.
Let be a function defined in all points inside some open interval that contains , except perhaps in . We say that the limit of as ( tends to ) is if for every there exists (depending on ) such that if , then . When this happens we write
Test the definition in the next animation! We will calculate the limit of as . By moving the value of , will be determined so that the conditions in the definition above are satisfied.
So what's all the fuss about? This seems trivial! Well, note that if the function had another definition at , the limit would still be the same!
Limits don't "see" the value of the function at the point. It may not even be defined at !
Proving a limit by definition
Now it's time we work on a limit by definition. Let's prove that thelimit of the following functionwhen , is . Looking at the plot, this seems true, but we have to prove it!
The definition says that for any we need to find such that some condition is satisfied. For each we'll get a different , so the idea will be to consider a generic and see if we can define in terms of that . That way, whenever we take a specific , we can find immedaitely. Let's start!
Let (this is the way of defining an arbitrary ). We want to find such that if , then . We will start by trying to make appear from the equation , so that then we can choose so that everything works. This won't be the proof, this is just the informal calculations, once we finish with them, we'll write the formal proof.
Replacing the values of and givesWe have , which is exactly what we wanted. But we cannot yet replace it to make it smaller than , because there is still dependence on in the term . So we first need to get rid of it by bounding it from above. The idea is to take small, we can take it smaller than Then if , we have , so . Great! Let's use this in the previous equation.We want to have Then it suffices to take , that is Recall that we also needed so we'll have to take the smaller of these two values.
This doesn't look like a formal proof! The actual proof is much shorter, once we know what to take.
Writing the proof
Let , choose Then if As we wanted to prove.
Properties of limits
I'm sure that, like me, you probably don't want to calculate limits by definition (like we just did) for the rest of your life. Luckily limits satisfy a list of properties that make them easier to handle! Let's learn them. From now on and are two functions and is a constant.